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Thursday June 12, 2025 1:00pm - 3:30pm NZST
We will look at the geological history at Titahi Bay and how a combination of tectonics, sea level change and erosion processes have shaped the topography that we see today. We will start at the beach to see the basics of the environmental forces at work, understand the greywacke bedrock and find evidence for a fossil forest. We will then visit the rocky coastline a few hundred metres to the north and look at some classic coastal erosion features as well as more geological structures in the bedrock We will start at the beach to see the basics of the environmental forces at work, understand the greywacke bedrock and find evidence for a fossil forest. We will then visit the rocky coastline a few hundred metres to the north and look at some classic coastal erosion features as well as more geological structures in the bedrock.
Thursday June 12, 2025 1:00pm - 3:30pm NZST
PM (1.00pm to 3.30pm)

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