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Thursday June 12, 2025 4:00pm - 6:30pm NZST
New Zealand/Aotearoa is the envy of many countries, being the only country in the world with a quota-managed fisheries resource for all commercial species. In the long term, how sustainable is commercial and recreational fishing in this country? We will look at Commercial Fish harvesting and the controls and strategies employed to do the job efficiently. How does this compare with Aquaculture? Is aquaculture going to be the answer to supplying consumer demand for seafood? Where will we end up? How will climate change affect the marine environment and the way it works? What effects will be seen on species we are used to having in our waters. Includes a Mussel dissection and a demonstration of mussel water filtering? Includes a mussel dissection and a demonstration of mussel water filtering.
Thursday June 12, 2025 4:00pm - 6:30pm NZST
AFTER SCHOOL (4.00pm to 6.30pm)

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